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The Latest

VSP: Bluff City man charged with reckless driving in fatal crash in Russell County
A Bluff City man has been charged with reckless driving in connection to a fatal crash Friday in Lebanon that killed a Russell County woman, a…

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Fatal wreck in Dante under investigation
A fatal wreck in Dante is under investigation after a truck was found Saturday that appears to have crashed several days before being discover…

Ramsey: Master Gardener program registration deadline this week
If you enjoy gardening, volunteering in your community and networking with other gardeners, then you might want to become a Master Gardener volunteer.

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Bacon s’mores? Some gourmet twists on a campfire staple
Alternative ingredients add tasty spins to these recipes – just don’t mess with the marshmallows.

Bristol neighbors: Obituaries for August 2

Bristol neighbors: Obituaries for August 1

Bristol woman appointed to Virginia Board of Pharmacy

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Sullivan County District Attorney General: 'Another matter' involving Megan Boswell expected to go before a grand jury in August

Bristol neighbors: Obituaries for July 31

BMS again postpones Alabama concert

New movie theater coming to Bristol
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Marlins' Jeter blames outbreak on 'false sense of security'

MLB: Daniel Norris (Science Hill) suffers loss in first start of 2023 for Detroit Tigers

The Latest: NHL reports no positive tests from active teams

Eagles coach Doug Pederson tests positive for COVID-19

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Keselowski wins in New Hampshire for 3rd win since shutdown

MLB: Daniel Norris (Science Hill) will start for the Detroit Tigers in Game 2 of historic twinbill today against the Reds
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Reporter sues Golden Globes organization over member rules

This week on our film podcast '... Just to be Nominated,' we're talking about 'Game' movies!
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson acquires XFL

New this week: Luke Bryan, Jeff Foxworthy and 2 Seth Rogens

Book Review: Hank Phillippi Ryan teeters on the improbable

Steve McQueen sets 3 premieres at New York Film Festival

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SpaceX crew returned to Earth and other space news you missed
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QQ群发器下载_QQ群发器官方下载「免费版」-太平洋下载中心:2021-1-2 · QQ群发器是一款效率高,错误率低的自动发送QQ消息的软件辅助器。这款QQ群发器支持发送QQ好友、QQ群、群成员,您还可伍发文字、图片、表情、对方 ...

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Missouri voters to decide on health care for more adults

Kansas Senate race tests GOP leaders' power to block Kobach

Kansas Rep. Watkins battles for seat while facing charges

Dueling protesters including armed men face off in Utah
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PITTS: Donald Trump: ‘Nobody likes me’
Your View: Thomas falsely labels BLM protesters ‘seditionists’
Their View: Virginia shows why Trump is wrong about vote-by-mail
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Watch Now: Meet the world's only known albino orangutan, and more of today's top videos

Chipotle is using avocado pits as dye for its new sustainable clothing line

Black women seize political spotlight: 'If not now, when?'
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